Thomas Goût

Department of Earth Sciences


Sponsor: EPSRC


Intermediate range order effects in radioactive waste glasses: implications for aqueous durability and mechanical properties

My research interests broadly lie in the application of isotope geochemistry as a tool for tracing the mechanisms underlying the aqueous dissolution of materials for the encapsulation and geological disposal of nuclear waste. To date, my work has focussed principally on the dissolution mechanisms of glasses in both synthetic and natural (disposal facility) environments, but I have also investigated the dissolution behaviour of ceramics for the disposal of plutonium residues.


Selected publications:

Goût, T. L., Bohlin, M. S., Tipper, E. T., Lampronti, G. I., & Farnan, I. (2021). Temperature dependent lithium isotope fractionation during glass dissolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 313, 133-154.

Lillington, J. N., Goût, T. L., Harrison, M. T., & Farnan, I. (2020). Predicting radioactive waste glass dissolution with machine learning. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 533, 119852.

Goût, T. L., Misra, S., Tipper, E. T., Bohlin, M. S., Guo, R., & Farnan, I. (2019). Diffusive processes in aqueous glass dissolution. npj Materials Degradation, 3, 1-9.

Since graduation

Since obtaining my PhD I have continued research in the same area as a postdoctoral Research Associate.


Aleksej Popel


Joseph Lillington